The first step in mentally coming out of any sticky, sad, or otherwise negative situation is to accept that it has happened to you. Many a times the question is asked, “Why me? Why does it always have to happen with me?” Under the circumstances the questions may be valid — but it just shows a lack of acceptance — and without acceptance there is no healing. When anyone asks me this, I counter it with — why not you? What is so special in you? This may sound heartless, but it is absolutely necessary to show the mirror and make the person realise that this is reality — it has happened with you, now face it and move on!
Understanding is the first step to acceptance and only after acceptance can there be recovery. Whatever happens in this world always happens for a reason, much later in life when we connect the dots, we realise why certain things happened with us in life. But when the incident takes place, we are invariably at a loss and suffer its consequences. It is invariably our ego which blocks us from accepting the circumstances, and with greater resistance the greater is the pain.
One can only start healing when one accepts whatever has happened and decides to move on. First understand the occurrence, then accept it and then take steps to recover from the trauma.
Always accept, then act. Whatever the present moment contains, accept it, work with it and not against it — once you start doing this you will slowly realise that your whole life is being transformed. Acceptance and belief are the keystones to spiritual growth.
Meditation teaches you to live in the moment, it gives you the inner strength to face all situations in life with strength and accept whatever God has to offer with humbleness. Acceptance is the key to live in the moment, to witness what is happening without getting affected by the circumstances. Once you learn to do this you are well on the path to spiritual evolvement. Meditate — accept — live in the moment — radiate joy.
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