Be Alert of your Ego
Many of us get the sense of becoming empty in Swamiji’s proximity, we become egoless in His presence as we are in His aura. The moment we move away from the proximity maybe after an event or even after any meeting, we return to reality, that is when we realise that our ego is present in all its glory. If we make a goal of becoming egoless, we will never lose our ego. The moment it becomes a goal, the goal itself becomes a representative of the ego. Just think about this — “If I have to become egoless, then who is this ‘I’ that should be egoless?” This ‘I’ is nothing but our ego. So, the first thing, don’t make it a goal. Any goal will feed the ego — even the goal of being egoless.
When we are egoless, we should enjoy it; when we feel the ego again, be alert — but don’t expect the contrary. If we start expecting we will be more entangled with the same thing. Whenever egoless-ness is there — enjoy it, feel grateful, thank God, and when the ego comes again, be alert.
Soon, as we start becoming more and more egoless, less and less ego will return. And a moment will come when the ego will disappear, but don’t make it a goal. All goals belong to the ego. Secondly, don’t expect anything, because when we start expecting, we have moved from the here and now into the future. When we start expecting something we have started to bring our memory, our past, into the present. This very moment we feel egoless — it is okay.
Then this feeling goes, and the ego returns. We want to repeat the past again — we must be egoless. We project the past in the future and we miss the present. And remember, egoless-ness is possible only if we are here and now. If we move into the past, if we move into the future, the ego will persist. So, don’t ask for any constancy because constancy means we want to continue the past into the future. Remain with the moment and don’t expect anything. The ego will drop by itself, no other effort is needed. If the ego has moved it means we are not in the present. So, don’t fight with the ego, simply move into the present and the ego will drop.
When we are in Swamiji’s presence we feel that we are totally in the present, in the here and now. Actually, we are! We should not think that Swamiji is doing this to us; yes, it is in his aura and that is only the reason for it — we are actually doing it to ourselves. We should try and understand this, else it will become a crutch for us and we will become totally dependent on Swamiji’s energy — we should use that energy to elevate ourselves.
The same can happen anywhere. Remember the secret. If we love Swamiji, if we listen to Him deeply, if we are in His presence here and now, receptive, open, then we are in the present. That’s why for a few seconds the ego will disappear. Then our existence is void. If we can be in the present anywhere, our ego will disappear.