Beyond the Heart and Mind
Throughout history, many cultures and spiritual practices have emphasised the importance of following our heart, listening to our heart, and gaining wisdom and intelligence from our heart. This is not a coincidence.
When we speak of the “heart” we are not referring to the physical organ but our spiritual heart. While this may be a new concept for some, it is analogous to the mind. While the brain is clearly physical in nature, the existence of the mind as a form of consciousness is universally accepted even though it cannot be detected on an MRI.
Similarly, our spiritual heart embodies a level of consciousness unto itself. More importantly, it is the key to our deepest fulfillment and the doorway to experiencing a deeper relationship with our Creator: one characterised by profound peace, gratitude, joy, safety, and Unconditional Love.
The logical mind is masculine in nature and heart feminine in nature — the yin and the yang. But truth has got nothing to do with male and female. Truth is the consciousness within us. Society has designated that the head should be the master and the heart is the servant — this is because logic rules the world and emotion and heart take the back stage — but in certain circumstances the roles can be reversed. There are certain things which the heart is capable of. Exactly the same is true about the head. The head cannot love, it cannot feel, it is insensitive. The heart cannot be rational, reasonable. But if one has to choose between the two, it is better that the heart rules the mind.
While we may be able to achieve many positive accomplishments in our lives, improve our self-esteem and decrease our emotional reactivity, we may find that we still have a certain level of incompleteness. That lack cannot be fulfilled through our attempts to develop a healthier mind. The wholeness or completeness can only be found through our heart, the ever-present doorway to feel profound peace, gratitude, joy and unconditional love.
As one’s meditation becomes deeper, as our identification with the mind and heart starts falling away, we find a triangle being formed within us. And our reality actually lies in the third force in us — consciousness. Once we awaken our consciousness and become one with it we find that both the mind and the heart belong to it — Unity happens.