Charisma and Aura
We have heard and read so much about a person’s charisma and how it is attractive and so on. We know that great leaders, actors, sportspersons have a very attractive personality and we are invariably told that they have great charisma. In this post we will see if charisma and the aura or electro-magnetic field around a person’s physical body is the same thing.
Charisma is someone or something with a compelling and charming personality or traits that are attractive and alluring to others. This word is invariably used to describe people who have an outgoing, likeable, energetic personality which naturally attracts other people towards them.
According to me the aura is something more than one’s charisma — I personally feel a person with charisma may not necessarily have a great aura. People with a good aura are usually spiritual people with years of meditative practice and penance behind that aura. The aura is the electro-magnetic or bio-energy field surrounding one’s body.
The aura has colours which are the same as the rainbow and match the colours of the seven chakras in the human body. These chakras are scientifically called glands. In spirituality each chakra has a shape, a colour and a sound attached to it. The aura and chakras are dealt with in yogic science and it is said that the aura has seven layers, just like the seven chakras and each layer is said to correlate to a different element of one’s physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Science is now testing whether these layers can interact with one another to influence one’s overall health.
My personal experience with meditation under the guidance of a spiritual Master, His Holiness Shivkrupanand Swami has improved my health tremendously. Meditation has completely taken me off pills which I used to pop at the drop of a hat. In the last twelve years I have had to take recourse to medicine only thrice. My consumption of liquor and non-veg food has disappeared, there is no yearning for such intake anymore. My weight is in the healthy range and people who meet after a long time say that I look younger! They say I have a glow to my face, which I personally cannot make out anyways!
Once you have developed your own aura, you get a feeling that nothing bad is ever going to happen with me, a new-born confidence is created in one’s self, fear disappears altogether from one’s dictionary and a feeling of love, harmony, well-being and compassion towards all beings is a natural corollary! Apart from meditation there are short cuts to cleansing one’s aura momentarily — participating in a havan, taking a salt water bath, or bathing in the ocean, circumambulating a cow seven time — all this cleanses your aura. So, in a way we can say that a person having a good aura is definitely charismatic but the opposite may not necessarily be true!