Chasing God
All of us at some point or the other in our life have chased God to help us get out of whatever crisis we were facing at that point in our life. We are psychologically built in such a way that when we feel we cannot handle our situation we need divine intervention. Like I mentioned in yesterday’s post our approach to God is that of a beggar rather than that of a king. We are always asking for something or the other!
There is actually no point in chasing God, because God is omnipresent — he is there in each and every atom of the universe, including within you. So, what is the point in chasing God to find solutions to our day-to-day problems? What we could do instead is try to be a good person, do good things, be happy, be peaceful. There is no point in disturbing your peace and joy even in the name of God. If God doesn’t want to come to you, let him be, he will come when you are good and ready.
When you are ready to receive God, you will start getting the signals, the urge will arise within you and soon you will come in contact with a Master who is there just as an answer to your deepest desire to seek God. The Master shows you the way, the way he took to find God, as this is a well-trodden path you will find it easy to follow. Millions of the Master’s disciples have taken this path — this path of meditation.
The journey within starts with a simple prayer to find the God within you. Over time as you go deeper and deeper within yourself, you find that silence, that peace, which comes with the quieting of the mind. The mind’s chatter stops and suddenly you are filled with peace and quiet — love start flowing from within you, without you even knowing how this is happening. This is God’s work — his love is now flowing from within you. So, instead of running after God, you realise that God within you has come to the fore.
This gives rise to a feeling of contentment. This contentment is nothing but the purity of your not that of a heart that is anxiously searching for something. With this contentment everything becomes golden, pure light — gradually you will learn to rise above all your wants and desires. Your body and mind become calm and peaceful, at ease with themselves.
Things start happening as per nature’s desire. There is now a cosmic awareness that functions through you. Don’t allow your ego to be a spoilsport and create an impediment for that Awareness to function through you. Just become a pure medium for universal consciousness and you will see that running after God was not the solution, but once the chase stops, God comes to the fore from within you yourself.