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Collective Chitta in the Present Time

Girish Borkar
3 min readOct 3, 2021


When we talk about the collective chitta we mean the chitta of other people who are vibrating at the same frequency. In the present day the thoughts of everybody are focused either on the pandemic or on the fragile political status in various countries. Whichever TV news channel you switch on is showing the same negative outlook of the world with its own narrative built in. Everyone has a viewpoint which could be different from that of the other. Those who surf channels are burdened with an excess of the same news with different perspectives leaving the viewer wondering what is correct!

All these news channels or visual or print media pull our chitta in the outward direction. As we become a part of the collective mass of people viewing or reading the same kind of news or content, the collective chitta generates its own energy which starts creating an energy mass in that very direction. The basic nature of ordinary human beings is negative as they invariably think of the worst that can happen, only a very few people look at the same news and that’s why the collective chitta becomes negative!

While we grew up, we were told by our parents and grand-parents not to share potential good news with anyone, even relatives, until that good event took place. The logic with this was that those who secretly felt jealous or took a negative viewpoint against the good happening with you, their negative energy would mar that good event from happening. As I grew up, I have seen this actually happen several times. Hence, even today I do not share any prospective good news unless it actually happens, and then too I share it only with people who I know are my well-wishers. The greater the number of people who are aware of something that much will be the negative chitta of the people on that thing, then even if the work was on the verge of happening it gets short circuited!

So, when we do our spiritual practice, it should be done alone and one’s progress should not be shared by beginners unless they are sure that they have progressed beyond the nabhi or navel chakra. This is because once we cross the navel chakra we develop that deep feeling of sharing within us, that whatever good experience and knowledge we have obtained through meditation should be shared with others. This process should happen naturally from within as the individual progresses in meditation. This is extremely important because you are setting out on a path which is far removed from what the rest of society is doing, and society never accepts anything that is different from societal norms positively! Once they come to know this, they will start getting negative views about this — will he become a recluse, will he go to the forest, will he leave society, will this lead to something negative? When the collective negative chitta falls on a beginner in spiritual practice, this will make him break away from the practice. Hence beginners should keep their spiritual practice secret even from family members!



Girish Borkar
Girish Borkar

Written by Girish Borkar

Spirituality ... meditation ... insights ... inner peace ... the journey continues... love and gratitude

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