Concept of Group Souls
When we take birth, it is said that the soul pre-decides its entire mortal journey before it assumes a physical body so that it can work out its past birth karmas. It also decides on the family in which it will take birth so that its karmas can best be worked out. In a majority of the cases the soul forgets its purpose of taking birth within a couple of years of assuming the physical body — and so this karmic cycle of birth-death-rebirth keeps taking place. But during the course of this journey on earth you will come across people whom you do not know at all, but a single glance at them and you feel you have known that person from somewhere — you feel an extremely strong bond. This is a sure-fire indication that he/she is a part of your soul family or soul group!
As you go through life you will come across several people at various points in time with whom you connect instantaneously on a mental, emotional, physical and spiritual level. These people are part of your soul family as you and they share an intensely strong bond that transcends time and space itself. Such a deep and intense emotional connection goes way beyond sharing physical or material bonds, as an intense magnetic and spiritual bond surfaces for which you cannot find any rational explanation!
Basically, a soul connection takes place when two people of the same vibrational frequency range meet and share similar thoughts, feelings, values, dreams and spiritual bonds. Even though you come from a different culture, country, race or completely different background when you come across a group soul you will immediately sense a primordial, ancient and strong connection with that person — you will literally feel it in your bones and your heart will say — ‘I know that person’! Such soul connections could end up in life-long friendships, a short journey or end up in marriage which lasts for 50 plus years even.
Every member of your soul family will appear in your life to teach you a lesson which will ultimately lead to your spiritual awakening. When this point is around the corner, you will meet your Guru or spiritual Master. When this event happens and your Soul is Awakened and you get the realisation that you are a soul, you will suddenly find that you are now a part of a huge soul family under the umbrella of your Guru. Amongst this soul family too, you will find people whom you connect with on a particularly close level, these are the souls who help you in your journey to liberation. You will find yourself to be full of joy, bliss and happiness amongst such souls. When you get this feeling, understand that you are with your Group Souls or Soul Family!