Control over the Tongue
We have seen so many people in life who love to chatter, some of it is nonsense, some of it gossip and some of it may be sensible too; the point I am trying to make is that we talk a lot! Talking also involves consumption of energy and if it is for a useless cause then your energy is wasted.
The tongue has two primary functions — taste and talk. Control over both aspects of the tongue is crucial to maintaining a peaceful and calm existence. If we cannot control our taste buds while eating, we become obese, lazy and unhealthy. If we cannot control our tongue while speaking it leads to all kinds of complications which consumes our energy in trying to set things right and restore balance in life.
Taste buds harm us only, hence it is somewhat easier to control our tongue while eating, but it is another matter while talking. Humans have the desire to talk because of their minds, the mind is active all the time and throwing up thoughts at a hectic pace — this makes talking like almost a compulsive exercise. It is so easy to get caught up in debates. We are passionate about something and we think if we just explain things a bit more, surely the person we are debating will finally get it. Unfortunately, the other person also thinks in the same way and then the debate becomes endless and ultimately acrimonious. Here apart from the tongue, the ego also comes to the party, so neither person wants to let go!
You probably know the pain of regretting words you have spoken: words of pride, dishonesty, envy, gossip, or anger. Although you can seek to restore bruised relationships through repentance and forgiveness, spoken words can never be retrieved. In fact, a physical wound heals very fast, but a verbal assault bruises the mind and heart forever and the scar is reopened every time one thinks about it!
Meditation helps in calming the mind, quietening it, and ultimately in controlling the tongue in both of its functions — eating and talking. It is said that silence is golden — we should learn to practice this. It is best not to speak when things are getting heated, in many such cases silence speaks more than words.
With meditation practice, over time, you find yourself being filled with selfless love and compassion towards all beings, then your tongue will automatically start expressing itself in a positive and loving manner whenever it is required. This is the divine at work, it starts happening automatically as you start becoming soul conscious. Your inner self is tuning in to the universal frequency which is of pure selfless love. Once this happens you will speak only when required and that too words of comfort, love, help, kindness and compassion!