Cosmic Sound, Vibrations
Science says that sound is modification of electric vibrations; sound is nothing but electricity. The Upanishads say that electricity is nothing but sound modifications. From these two statements one thing is for sure — sound and electricity are convertible. Science says that electricity is basic and the Upanishads say that sound is basic. The difference exists because of the approach. According to the Upanishads one can reach the ultimate reality through sound — the mantra. They used sound to reach sound-lessness. With time, sound is dropped and soundlessness is achieved; ultimately when you reach the bottom, you hear a cosmic sound, a vibration — it is not a thought, it is not a created sound it is a hum — it is in the very nature of existence that it sounds.
The cosmic hum sounds like ‘Aum’. We can chant it loudly and feel its vibrations, we can stand directly beneath a bell in a temple and ring the bell, that sound too is aum and you can feel its reverberations on your crown chakra. We can chant it silently while moving our lips or without moving our lips. If we learn to chant the sound without moving the lips then with time you will find that the sound starts automatically when you sit in silence.
This sound is a secret key — it is the ultimate sound that helps you reach to the ultimate door. Use the sound-key silently in your inner mind, this is a subtle medium which will give finer results. While chanting it in your inner-mind it helps you go deeper and deeper and then it becomes even more real. When it becomes effortless — when it is not with your body, nor with your mind, but when the sound just flows in you — you are very near to your destination.
Now only one thing has to fall away — the person who is feeling this aum. The “I”, the ego, that senses that the sound of ‘aum’ is surrounding it, if you drop that ego, then there is absolutely no barrier. Then the outer self merges with the inner self — there is unity — now you are one with the universal sound, you are the universal sound.
Meditate on this sound regularly — you don’t need to do anything else, just dwell on it, let the sound become you, feel its vibrations within, don’t think about anything at all, just listen to the sound, feel its vibrations, become the sound, become the vibration — you will find yourself in a state of indescribable joy and bliss.