Courage and Faith
The dictionary definition of courage is the ability to do something that frightens one, the strength to face pain or grief. We act brave and courageous throughout or life both knowingly and unknowingly. When we face down our fear of people or things, when we say sorry — yes, it requires tremendous courage to own up one’s mistake and say one is truly sorry — the ability to speak up and say what is right, specially to superiors and not be a yes man; the courage to keep quiet and remain silent when the need arises; the courage to recognise and acknowledge the character of other individuals; courage to stand one’s ground and not give in when you know you are right. There are lots of dimensions to courage.
Faith is defined as trust or confidence in someone or something; strong belief in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual conviction rather than proof. We need faith and belief to get through a lot of situations that suddenly crop up in life. Whether it is a family crisis, a job crisis, loss of self-belief, a financial crisis and so on. When one faces these situations in life we usually turn to God — it is human nature to turn to the divine when we are in trouble. Invariably when things are good, we do not remember Him, only troubles lead us to His door.
When we start meditating and turning inwards — our inner journey takes us down an unknown, untraversed path. Here too one requires courage and faith — the courage to face the fear of death and go beyond and the faith that you will surmount this fear and reach your goal. As you go within, you start losing your ego, your material desires start disappearing, you become more accepting and with this your courage gets a boost up as you become bluntly honest, no beating around the bush and simultaneously you develop the faith to face all situations in life with a smile. You develop a confidence in your SELF — you become an epitome of calmness and peace which radiates from your very being. Courage and faith go hand in hand — meditate regularly and develop these qualities to such an extent that your aura radiates your confidence and love towards all beings — both sentient and non sentient!
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