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Cultivating Divine Qualities

Girish Borkar


Cultivation of virtue is central to the Sanatan Dharma; it is also extremely important to uphold Dharma and live righteously. There are certain divine qualities which need to be developed and nurtured on the spiritual path which lead to ethical behaviour, virtue and liberation.

The Bhagawad Gita provides a list of divine qualities, which are greatly helpful to cleanse oneself. Without those qualities it is very difficult to being in the light and illumination into one’s being and this realise the Supreme Self.

Human beings carry both the divine and devilish characteristics in equal measure. It depends on which characteristic we nurture that decides the direction of our lives. Since both tendencies manifest in humans, it makes them vulnerable to a variety of weaknesses and wickedness, while at the same time they enjoy the unique opportunity to go even beyond gods and ascend to the highest heaven of Brahman. Those who follow the demons and cultivate demonic qualities fall into the darkest hells, while those who cultivate divine qualities and strive for liberation reach the higher worlds or the highest world.

On the path of liberation, divine qualities play an important role. They are important to cultivate detachment, practice obligatory duties, renounce the desire for fruit of actions, cultivate right knowledge, stabilise the mind and experience true love in devotion to God. If you aspire union with God, you must become like God and remove all the differences and barriers in between. You cannot merge into that ocean of purity, without being pure. Therefore, a spiritual aspirant should strive to develop divine qualities to transcend his limited self and shine with the brilliance of God.

Some of the divine qualities essential for attaining spiritual heights and from there on to the path of liberation are purity, right knowledge — meaning knowledge of the self to overcome delusion and ignorance. Charity — anyone can be charitable — the intent of giving should be pure without any underlying motive — the giver may not own material wealth, but he readily gives whatever he has.

Self-restraint — control over mind and body which leads to contentment and discipline. Sacrifice — a yogi performs desireless actions as offerings to God, thus all such actions become sacrifices. Self-study and introspection, finding one’s own faults and setting them right. Practicing austerity which purifies the mind and body leading to self-transformation. Leading a life of simplicity, free from vanity, egoism, delusion and ignorance — this is essential for those walking the straight path.

God is the source of all. All the dualities arise from him only. Hence, it is wrong to believe that he manifests only divine qualities or is responsible for only light and delight. Demonic qualities also arise from him only. He is the concealer as well as discloser. He subjects beings to delusion and ignorance. However, on the path of liberation yogis overcome such limitations and cultivate discernment. While cultivating virtues it is important to practice rules and restraints. The ultimate goal should be to cultivate sameness or equality towards all pairs of opposites and remain undisturbed in all conditions and situations.



Girish Borkar
Girish Borkar

Written by Girish Borkar

Spirituality ... meditation ... insights ... inner peace ... the journey continues... love and gratitude

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