We should give up all outward-going efforts, all that leads us outwards. All that becomes a vehicle for our consciousness to move outward — renounce it. In the deep inactivity of renunciation, we will come to the center.
How does the mind embark on its outward journey? It moves for wealth, prestige, power. Any movement means a deep desire for something outside, a deep desire for something which doesn’t belong to us inside, but belongs to the objective world. Any desire for any object in the world is a movement outward. Renounce this movement. Even for a single moment, if we can renounce all outward-going movements, we will be in. This means that this in-coming doesn’t need anything to be done directly. It needs something to be done indirectly. Don’t move outward and we will find ourselves in the heart, in the cave of the heart.
Mind moves with desires, outwards. Then it can continue, continue, and go on and on — to the very end of the world. Don’t move with any desires. Desireless-ness is the method to come in, and desireless-ness is meditation. Do not desire anything. Even for a single moment, if we are in a desireless moment, we will find ourselves to be within. And then we can encounter the flame of life which is immortality, which is non-dying, which has never been born and will never die. Once known, there will be no fear of death. And when there is no fear of death, only then you can live authentically. Then your life will have a different quality altogether. It will be aware, it will be alive, it will be fresh. It will be blissful, it will be a deep ecstasy, a continuous ecstasy.
With no fear, with no longing, with no desire, there will be no pain. There will be no suffering there will be no anguish. With no desire we fall into a deep abyss of ecstasy. This is what is known in the Upanishads as the Brahmalok, the world of the divine.
We live in a world of material things, isn’t it? This is the outward-going movement. When consciousness comes in, we penetrate a different world, the world of the divine. With outward movement there is suffering; with inward movement there is peace and bliss. It doesn’t mean that those who move inward will not be able to move outward; they will be more capable.
But now they will move with their whole inner-being, now they will move in the outward world but untouched by it. Now they will move, but constantly rooted in themselves. They will not be uprooted from themselves. Now they can go anywhere, but they will be rooted in themselves. This rootedness in oneself is the source of all bliss that is possible.