Do What Is Necessary
Man is born only as a potential. If we don’t develop our potential, if we don’t grow spiritually, we are just like an ox. The body will go on becoming bigger and bigger, but that is not growth. Growing old is not growing up, growing physically is not growing spiritually. And unless we grow spiritually, we are wasting a precious opportunity.
Human beings are the only beings on the earth who can attain to enlightenment. Elephants and lions and tigers can’t become enlightened. Only humans can become enlightened, only a human being can become a thousand-petaled lotus, only humans can release the fragrance called God.
Don’t waste a single moment in anything else. Do the necessary things, the essential things, but pour more and more energy into watchfulness, awareness. Wake up! Unless we get self-realisation, unless we become enlightened, we have not lived at all, because we will not know the great poetry of life, the great music of existence. We will not know the celestial celebration that goes on and on, we will not know the dance of the stars. It is for us to become part of this celebration. This bliss is for all of us! All these flowers and all these songs and all these stars are for us all. We are entitled to miracles — but we need to grow up, to wake up!
Swamiji has planted the seed of self-realisation, we need to water it with our meditative practice — that is what is necessary. We will slowly and steadily become empty and reach that state where we merge with universal consciousness — pure emptiness, silence and bliss.