Does Creativity Exist in Each One of Us?
I was always fascinated by the way in which certain people could churn out poems at the drop of a hat. It appeared as if verse was readily flowing from the tip of their tongue! I would sit and think — can I do it? And then one day, while sitting in office suddenly words started churning in my mind and I wrote down my first poem. Thereafter I wrote three more — the words suddenly start churning in your mind and you get the message that — ok, looks like some poem is waiting to burst through. I immediately voice record the flow of words and then replay and pen them down.
How does this happen? With the development of the sacral chakra and the Agya chakra your creativity expands along with creative knowledge. Before joining the Samarpan Meditation family writing poems was the last thing on my mind — in fact I always felt that it was way out of my league and I am not cut out for it.
With regular meditation and the clearance of the energy centres in your body, things start happening which you never would have imagined — all of them good and positive! So, I have started believing that creativity exists in each and everyone of us. It just needs a kick start to be activated! That can happen suddenly once you connect with your inner core through meditation — it could be poetry, it could be painting, singing, dance, just about anything.
I have come to believe that nothing is impossible, you just need the right key to open the lock. Once you find the key which opens the lock — then creativity just happens. We are all very creative persons — on a lighter note this creativity abounds in us when we give excuses while reaching school or office late. The kinds of excuses we can come up with are examples of the inherent creativity within us — hahahaha!
Jokes apart, with regular meditation lots of doors open and once grace starts flowing you will find yourself doing such positive things that you or anyone near and dear to you would have ever imagined. Meditation is the key to open doors to higher levels of consciousness. Come, join the family and elevate yourself!
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