Photo Credit: Golden Present

Don’t Get Intimidated

Girish Borkar


Humans evolved to be fearful, since anxiety helped keep our ancestors alive. Consequently, we are vulnerable to being alarmed, manipulated, and even intimidated by threats, both real and imaginary ones.

This vulnerability to feeling threatened has effects at many levels, ranging from individuals, couples, and families to schoolyards, organisations, and nations. Whether it’s an individual who worries about the consequences of speaking up at work or in a close relationship, a family cowed by a scary parent, a business fixated on threats instead of opportunities, or a country told it’s under assault by “them” — the same human brain reacts in each one of these cases.

Therefore, understanding how your brain became so vigilant and wary, and so easily hijacked by alarm, is the first step toward gaining more control over that ancient circuitry. Then, by bringing mindful awareness to how your brain reacts to feeling threatened, you can stimulate and therefore build up the neural substrates of a mind that has more calm, wisdom, and sense of inner strength — a mind that sees real threats more clearly, acts more effectively in dealing with them, and is less rattled or distracted by exaggerated, manageable, or false alarms.

Only timid people get intimidated. If you don’t want to be like that, don’t compare yourself with others. You are what you are. Everybody is needed to make the whole drama, the cosmic play. A play has every role. Probably you are just acting your part.

What is unimportant in this world? Nothing. God has never created anything that is unimportant. If you think, “I am also equally God’s child. God created me like this. I am happy to be like this,” how can anyone intimidate you? It’s your own wrong notion about yourself. You think little of yourself. You don’t think you are potentially divine. You don’t think that you are the child of God, created by God. If you are a lion cub, and if you forget that and bleat like a lamb, who can help you?

Rise up, exert your birthright, affirm your true nature: “I am that I am.” Realising the true nature of the Self will take you away from all these problems. You are the same always, eternally. You are that immortal soul. Nothing less than that. All other things are just temporary. That’s what you call the highest knowledge.



Girish Borkar
Girish Borkar

Written by Girish Borkar

Spirituality ... meditation ... insights ... inner peace ... the journey continues... love and gratitude

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