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Drop Everything

Girish Borkar


It is very difficult to be in the world, but it is even more difficult to be non-attached when the spiritual world opens its doors. The difficulty of the second is a million-fold because the worldly powers are not real powers. They are impotent; and they never satisfy us, they never make us contented. In fact, every new achievement in the world creates more desires. Rather than satisfying us it sends our mind into new trips, so whatever power we attain in the world, we use it only to create new desires.

Whatever money we earn in the world, we invest it to gain more money. Then more money comes; we invest it for still more money; and it continues in this manner. We find only means and means and means, and the end never comes closer. So, even a stupid person becomes aware sooner or later that he is moving in a vicious circle and there seems to be no way out of it — except to drop out. For an intelligent person — one who thinks about his life, meditates about it — it is obvious.

So, non-attachment is not so difficult in worldly matters, but when it comes to the inner powers, the psychic powers, they are so close to our being and so infinitely satisfying, it is almost impossible to be non-attached to them. But if we are not non-attached, then we have again created a world and we will remain far, far away from the ultimate liberation.

Because whatever we own possesses us, the sacrifice must be total, utterly total. We must drop everything that we can possess — except our nude nature. That which cannot be sacrificed, only that can be left. That which can be sacrificed should be sacrificed.



Girish Borkar
Girish Borkar

Written by Girish Borkar

Spirituality ... meditation ... insights ... inner peace ... the journey continues... love and gratitude

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