Faith in a Higher Power
Through the practice of self-study, we begin to strip away layers of our ego. Eventually we reach a point beyond our intellect. At that point, we need faith in a higher power to proceed further. Without faith in this higher power or belief in something greater than our individual selves, other practices are pointless. In the yogic tradition this higher power is not outside of us. It is an inner knowing that goes beyond the mind and the intellect. It is not us, but we are part of it.
We are connected to our source in the same way a drop of water is not the ocean but is part of the whole body of water. We are part of the whole body of the universe — but this is difficult to grasp with our minds.
Just knowing ourselves is not enough — in the great spiritual traditions, we find ourselves only to lose ourselves so we can become part of something greater and more profound.
Most people pray in times of tragedy or when they are in deep trouble. This kind of faith is transactional — one prays hoping that things will work out in exchange for giving something to the place of worship where the prayer is offered.
We need to surrender to a higher power and allow that power to work through us. It takes faith to do this, because our minds and egos want to understand what we’re doing and why we’re doing it.
It’s scary to give up control, but as any wise person will tell you, the more you know, the more you realise how much you don’t know. With so much mystery, the only choice we have if we want to evolve spiritually is to put our faith in a higher power and become part of that mysterious force.
The choices we make as individuals affect the entire universe. This is a bold statement, but in yoga, we believe we’re all connected. No, we can’t control or change the world on our own, but everything we do contributes, even if only in a small way.
Do we want to be part of good or part of evil? Do we want to be love or do we want to be fear? In order to be love — in order to contribute to the greater good — we need to trust it exists and continually seek ways to connect our small selves to that greater truth. Worship, prayer, mantra, meditation, and other forms of spiritual practice are essential tools that take us beyond ourselves.