Friends as Pure Companions
It is said that human beings are known by the company they keep. We spend some of the best years of our life with our friends in school, college and university. As we progress in life, we make new friends in our work environment. But truly the friends who last the test of time are those which we make in school and college. These friendships are based on a selfless relationship without the desire to take advantage of each other in any way. True friends understand your silence too and just sit with you in silence offering comfort just by their presence. They understand each and every emotion of yours and are there for you in the most trying circumstances in life, and their presence is just the balm required for healing wounds created by life’s journey.
Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between people. Even when we embark on our spiritual journey, we come across people who are so in sync with our thought process that they become our soul mates. With time we come to know that there are group souls too who vibrate at the same frequency and their friendship is absolutely vital for the overall progress of the people in that group. Here, the power of collectivity plays a big role. Swamiji keeps telling us to meditate in collectivity, that there is great power in collective energy as it helps balance all the people in that collective meditation session.
One requires to have tremendous luck to meet good people and for them to develop into a relationship which lasts a life-time. These people are true friends — they always are there for you wherever they may be in the world. I have been fortunate to have such kinds of friends both in my material life as well as in the spiritual journey. Once you walk on the spiritual path those people who vibrate at your frequency start entering your life and these people turn out to your friends, philosophers and guides.
With meditation comes inner peace and this desire for friends also starts diminishing. We learn to live with those we have developed friendship over the years. Ultimately friendship is a kind of ship of life which helps us stay balanced, happy and full of joie de vivre….let us celebrate our friendship and remain in touch till the end! But always remember that your best friend is always your SOUL!
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