From Nothing to Nothing
How was this Universe created? ‘All of space, time, matter, and energy in the universe was created during the Big Bang. During the formation of galaxies, stars, and planets. As matter became entangled in the Universe as it cooled, we expanded through space as well,’ as per As far as the explanation goes, it is fine, but then that means that before the ‘big bang’ there was nothing, no creation at all. Where there is nothing from the start, there is only emptiness.
Advaita teachings talk about ‘shunyata’ — a Sanskrit word meaning emptiness — this tern is widely used by the Buddhists. Advaita Vedanta talks about ‘ajata’ which means ‘not even one’, whereas advaita tells us that reality is ‘not two’.
The point of these teachings is that the basic condition, or “ultimate reality” is emptiness. Not any reality (or dharma) has ever had a beginning. Therefore, anything which is supposed to exist, or be real, is in truth without substance. While things may appear to be real, all appearances are empty, and therefore have no true existence beyond their appearance. In other words, life as we think we know it, is purely an illusion.
Not anything has ever been created, or born. To the person who supposes that his life and death and the turmoil of his world are real, the realisation of the truth of emptiness has little appeal.
But to those to whom an enlightened realisation is the climax of life, emptiness is the final end to which nonduality points.
When we set out on our journey as seekers of the ultimate truth, we first accept that we know nothing about anything. Whatever we have experienced in this world so far, is nothing but an illusion lived due to past life karma. With guidance from an enlightened Master, we set out on our inner journey. This journey keeps opening layers upon layers, just like when we peel an onion, ultimately, if we are lucky and blessed, we reach the core — nothingness.
In this void, what we experience is the ultimate truth, we begin to live life in complete wakeful awareness. Our inner being is filled with so much bliss and joy that one does not see the danger of stagnating at this point. We have to go beyond this stage, into complete conscious awareness and then into the state where we merge with universal consciousness — from nothing to nothing.