Going Beyond Worldly Pleasures
As human beings, today we have achieved a level of material progress which was unimaginable a century ago. Modern technology has given us tremendous power over the forces of nature — or so we think! We have conquered many disasters but the question is: “Are we happier than our ancestors were in the past?” Invariably the answer is “No”.
The abuse of women, children and the underprivileged, religious and racial discrimination, colour bar, and caste distinction continues unabated. Times have changed but the old attitudes remain — a desire for power and control over the less privileged, their exploitation for personal benefit is as prevalent today as it was yesterday.
Never before in the history of the world, has the human race been in such great need to be free from conflict, ill-feeling, selfishness and strife. We are in dire need of peace nor only in our personal life at home and work, but also at the global level. The tension, anxiety and fear arising from the conflict are not only disruptive but continue to exert a constant drain on our well-being, mentally and physically. In their desire to completely dominate everything around them, humans have become the most violent beings in this world. They have succeeded, to some extent, but in so doing have paid a terrible price. They have sacrificed peace of mind for material comfort and power.
The religions of the world have always maintained that human happiness does not depend merely upon the satisfaction of physical appetites and passions, or upon the acquisition of material wealth and power. Even if we have all the worldly pleasures, we still cannot be happy and peaceful if our minds are constantly obsessed with anxiety and hatred arising from ignorance with regard to the true nature of existence.
We can develop and maintain inner peace only by turning our thoughts inwards instead of outwards. We must be aware of the dangers and pitfalls of the destructive forces of greed, hatred and delusion. We must learn to cultivate and sustain the benevolent forces of kindness, love and harmony. The battle-ground is within us and is not fought with weapons or with any other sources but only with our mental awareness of all negative and positive forces within our minds. Mindfulness makes a full man. A full man speaks with an open mind. And like a parachute, the mind works better when it is fully opened. This awareness is the key to unlock the door from conflict and strife.
The mind is the ultimate source of all happiness and misery. For there to be happiness in the world, the mind of an individual must first be at peace and happy. To get that inner satisfaction practicing meditation regularly, living in mindful awareness every moment helps us achieve that goal. Inner peace and quiet, love and compassion!