How to Recognise Group Souls
There are different kind of Group Souls — they could be termed as soul friends, soulmates, karmic relationships and twin souls. Will touch upon each briefly. Soul Friend is one with whom you can connect at any time and speak on any topic without remorse and who accepts you for who you are unconditionally, no questions asked — such a person will stand by your side come what may — if you are wrong, he will say so on your face, whether you like it or not and you will still love him! Soulmates are people in our lives whom we connect with on a deep spiritual level — this connection gets established at the first moment eye contact takes place. A Karmic Relationship describes a connection between two people that has been rekindled in this life from a previous incarnation. For whatever reason, this relationship is carried forward to this birth to complete ‘unfinished business’ — thus in this lifetime — we have the duty to clear that unfinished business for the progress of the ‘soul’. A Twin Soul is a person who you connect with not only at the physical and emotional level but also at the soul or spiritual level — a twin soul may be a friend, lover or teacher in this life. They are the yin to our yang, the sun to our moon, the light to our darkness!
You can recognise a Group Soul by the way you make eye contact — you will be unafraid to make eye contact and keep the contact going without fear for any length of time. This eye contact gives both a feeling of sharing something without the need for exchanging words. Such people are more soul oriented rather than ego or material benefit oriented — such people will be more interested in healthy pursuits whether it is healthy eating, yoga or meditation. You will be magnetically drawn to such people and their energy without any apparent reason. Even if you lose touch with them, they keep popping in and out of your life again and again. Even when you meet such a person for the first time you feel you have known them all your life (I had this feeling with the group of people I met at my first Guru-purnima in Pushkar in 2009). You feel completely energised around such people. You will find such people entering your life when you most need them and you feel it is like a God-send! You can talk to them for hours at a stretch and it will feel like just a few minutes have passed! They reflect your best qualities but like any good, clear mirror they will also help you to embrace your greatest flaws.
If any of you have had similar experiences with people who have come into your life, means you have met people who are part of the same Soul Group. Such people vibrate at the same frequency, have similar likes and dislikes and are always there for you whatever the circumstances — you don’t have to say anything, they sense the situation and act on it instinctively and appropriately for your benefit!