There are more than 300 religions in the world, methods of worship as Swamiji says, they are all alternatives available for the human being; but how many follow the true religion of mankind — humanity? All these so-called religions tell us that their religion is the best and some of these Abrahamic religions are so insecure that they do not believe that their flock will stay with them all the time and indulge in conversion of innocent tribals in Asia and Africa through force, deceit, or temptation or plain simple bribes. We can pick any kind of fanaticism, neurosis and keep ourselves engaged all our lives — this will not give us the time or space to dance, sing and celebrate!
All the goals that we create for ourselves create a split deep down within us, a hypocrisy. We are what we are at the time of our birth and as we grow we try and become something that we are not. In the beginning it is just an effort to be that which we are not, and later on it becomes a pretense as we actually think that we are becoming something which we are not. Encountering continuous failure is something we are not used to, so we create a façade, a pretense, a persona, and we start living behind that. People will look at our mask and they will believe it, and once they start believing, we too start believing.
It is a very strange game: we start it, and soon we will be caught in it ourselves — in our own lie! And once we are caught in our own lie we will try to hide the truth, to evade the truth, to repress the truth; we will begin investing more and more in our lie. We can try to be unnatural, but our nature will assert itself in a thousand and one ways; it will come up again and again. We will have to hush it; we will have to repress it.
We have created such a strange humanity, and the whole rationale of this whole mad earth, this mad humanity, is religious, spiritual. Search for the truth, search for God, search for the peaks, and we have lost ourselves in the search. There is only one search — to find oneself — and for that we need not go anywhere else. For that we have to withdraw from all our desires, ambitions, goals. We have to come back home.
Don’t try to become like your Guru; every person is unique and has the potential to be his/her own Guru. The Guru always shows the path to find your own true nature, to become your own Guru. There is no point trying to impersonate someone when you can be the original you and not just another replica of someone else!