Imposing Your Will
All of us have a very strong sense of identity and many times we feel hurt if things do not go as we wish them to! Whether it is school, friends, colleagues, business situations we try to impose our will so that things go the way we want them to. Many times, this work and many other times it does not! When it does work it gives a boost to our ego — we think — see I willed this to happen and it did, ‘my’ will power is strong, I can will it to do anything! This is your ego dominating your thinking.
When the ego starts dominating your thinking process then rest assured you are headed for a thumping fall sooner or later — the universe always gives a person who is on an ego trip a reality check. It is extremely important to be aware of what one says and does on the spiritual path.
Meditation under the guidance of a spiritual Master takes you on your inner journey. During the course of this journey a lot of things become clearer, your mind becomes quieter, your ego takes a back seat, and you start ‘seeing’ things more as a witness than as a participant. Once this happens, you realise that you cannot force anything: conversations, friendships, relationships, attention, love! Anything that is forced or induced or willed is just not worth fighting for — because whatever flows, flows and what crashes, just crashes.
It is best to learn to go with the flow rather than swim against the tide. Swimming against the tide will only tire you out and at the same time either take you far away from your destination or leave you stationary at the starting point. Either way that is not good as energy is spent and your goal is not achieved.
When you meditate and learn to tune yourself to the universe, you get the signals, indications from the universe itself on what is going to happen. When this starts happening, then your will starts working for Paramatma or for the Supreme Soul, it works for the benefit of humanity and not for personal gain. You start going with the flow, completely mindful of what is happening — you become a witness and start seeing things as they are and not as in the past about how you would have wished them to be.