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Inculcation of Values

Girish Borkar


Swamiji keeps telling us that after he subtly plants the seed of spirituality within us, automatically we begin to inculcate Swamiji’s values. The extent to which we inculcate his values depends entirely on us. The greater our submission and surrender the greater is our ability to imbibe these values.

As we grow up, we are born with certain values which we carry forward from our previous birth, we inculcate some new values through our parents and teachers, sometimes friends too, which add lustre to our existence. The contrary also holds true, if we fall into bad company, we start inculcating bad values and that proves to be a setback in our lives. In such instances, we move away from the core objective of taking this birth, which is to endure our karmas and embark on to the path of liberation.

When we work on our values, become disciples of an enlightened Master, we essentially start removing the negative qualities within us. This process takes place automatically as we meditate and start cleansing our chakras and nadis. We begin to look at ourselves within and start identifying our flaws and then imbibing values which remove these flaws.

It is necessary to start inculcating values in children if we desire a value-based society going forward. The values which are absolutely necessary are right conduct, peace, truth, love and non-violence. These values are very specific and are absolutely essential if we have to awaken the humanity within our children. The dharma of every individual on earth is humanity — without human values we are destined to suffer.

When we inculcate and build on these five values, this raises the human being above the level of the animal kingdom. Human beings receive information through the five senses, which is then referred to the conscience, resulting in a beneficial action. Every action is preceded by thought, and if the thought is consciously seen and noted, aims to help and is unselfish, then the action will be good for oneself and others. Right conduct also means taking care of our physical body through exercise, yoga and a healthy diet.

We inculcate peace as a value once we learn to sit in silence, turn introversive and develop a strong enough will power to enable us to discern the difference between real needs and superficial desires. Our inner agitation stops and we turn peaceful. Once the individual finds peace, then there will be peace in the family, peace in the family results in peace in the community.

Becoming truthful is a first and vital step in the formation of a strong character. The desire to learn about the ultimate truth, has led the Masters to ask certain questions — Who am I? What is the purpose of my birth? Where am I going? With these questions, the desire to know the Self is awakened, ultimately leading one to find the truth about one’s own existence.

Love is not an emotion, affected by the sub-conscious mind, but is a spontaneous, pure reaction from the heart. It is love which causes one person to wish for the happiness for another and take joy in their well-being.

For the non-violent person, the whole world is his family. When the former four values are practiced (i.e. the conscious mind is keenly aware, love is flowing, there is peace and actions are right) life is lived without harming or violating anything else. It is the highest achievement of human living encompassing respect for all life — living in harmony with nature, not hurting by thought, word or deed.



Girish Borkar
Girish Borkar

Written by Girish Borkar

Spirituality ... meditation ... insights ... inner peace ... the journey continues... love and gratitude

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