Inner Peace through Collective Meditation
In India, seekers from time immemorial have sought the company of saints or have sought to be associated with them, or have meditated on their pictures along with other spiritual aspirants. The spiritual masters ask those who wish to attain perfection to stay in the close proximity of others who are of the same inclination and are searching for the same inner peace in order to strengthen their own aspirations. This is the power of collectivity. We tend to become like the people we mingle with, this happens not only through conversations or physical interaction but silently, through magnetic vibrations that emanate from them. When we come into the range of their magnetism we are affected.
That silent divine vibration which is emanating from each individual is enhanced when we sit in groups for meditation, therefore the collective vibrations uplift those souls who are at a lower level and those who are at a higher level come down, so that the entire collective is meditating at a frequency which has been divinely equalised. Every person meditating in that group feels the same sense of calm and inner peace creating a kind of group oneness which benefits all those in the group.
This practise of collective meditation which Swamiji keeps emphasising upon in every discourse will help fortify your own spiritual convictions; you will notice that many seemingly tough and unsurmountable barriers in one’s life crumble and dissolve in the waters of your devotion and meditative practise. Your own devotion and love for Paramatma commingles with that of other fellow meditator’s love of others. Divine bliss will radiate from your being and from those of other fellow meditators such that you are enveloped in an ocean of bliss, which mesmerises those who you come in contact with once you leave the meditation hall. A kind of magical, joyous magnetism radiates through your being giving a sense of joy and peace to those who come within range of your vibrations. These vibrations, immediately on leaving the group meditation have the collective strength of the group, so never feel that these are ‘my’ vibrations — because if you do you will fall into the pit of ‘ego’ — getting out then is very difficult.
In these pandemic times, the universe gives the same energy and vibrational experience through online group meditation. This shows that energy and vibrations actually do not require physical proximity as long as everyone sits for meditation through a common meditation online link. One’s own attitude, faith, belief and commitment to the group will manifest in the feeling of energy and vibrations — the more you believe the more you get and vice versa. Stay blissed, stay blessed.