Inner Power — 2
Swamiji says — “It is inner power itself that is solely and only your own power”. We all know that we have physical and mental strength or otherwise. But what is our inner power — our atmabal? How do we develop our inner power? Swamiji is talking about the power of intent or in other words ‘will power’ — though this may not actually fit the bill, but it comes closest. It is actually the power which you derive when your soul connects with universal consciousness.
All other powers which are derived from our physical body dissipate and disappear with time, but our inner strength remains with us and we carry this to our next birth too. This is like banking our spiritual gains and putting them in a safe deposit locker. If we don’t attain liberation in this birth then whatever we have accumulated gets carried forward to our next birth.
Inner power is the quiet force within you that knows when to act and when to move and gives you the strength to do so. It acts like a radar, warning you of impending negative scenarios and alerts you to take corrective measures before any of these scenarios consume you. With this power you can ensure that you avoid bad calls and continue on the path of spiritual growth without being affected by any of the happenings. It gives you great inner strength to tackle life’s tough situations without any side effects — you continue to remain balanced and sanguine as if nothing was happening!
Acceptance of all situations in life, remaining humble, subsuming the ego and your desires will help in activating your inner power — all this is possible with regular meditation and mindfulness practice. It is always better to have a realised master to guide you and show you the path. Once you are on the path, with time, your inner lamp is lit and you see the light within you. Once your inner frequency matches that of your brain you would have achieved the alignment with your inner awareness which is needed to awaken these hidden powers.
Always remember that these powers are not meant to be abused, but to be used for the betterment of humanity. It is best not to let anyone know of these powers and to quietly continue living your life as a normal human being.
With inner power you get the feeling of being connected with universal consciousness, you are filled with peace and quiet, your mind has become still, a feeling of fearlessness and a sense of security descends on the psyche, answers to our problem just pop up from nowhere, we learn that acceptance is fundamental to our existence as we evolve spiritually and feel our existence itself is being purified!