Integrated Living
Appearances are very deceptive. Appearances may give respectability, but they cannot give contentment. And some day or other, in some way or other, the truth has a way of surfacing.
Truth cannot be repressed forever. If it can be repressed forever, eternally, then it is not truth. In the very definition of truth, one should include the fact that truth has a way of bubbling up. One cannot go on avoiding it forever and ever. One day or other, knowingly, or unknowingly, it surfaces, it reveals itself.
Truth is that which reveals itself. And just the opposite are lies. We cannot make a lie appear as truth forever and ever. One day or other the truth will surface, and the lie will be there condemned.
We cannot avoid truth. It is better to face it, it is better to accept it, it is better to live it. Once we start living the life of truth, authenticity, of our original face, all troubles by and by disappear because the conflict drops, and we are no more divided. Our voice has a unity then, our whole being becomes an orchestra. Right now, when we say something, our body says something else; when our tongue says something, our eyes go on saying something else simultaneously.
Start watching people, observe their body language — are they speaking the truth? Or they are saying something when the reality is something else. Watch for clues and we catch on — then apply these clues to ourselves and observe the self — see whether we are being true to ourselves or whether our mind, word and deed are in sync or not.
When we are in sync, when that rare moment does arise, we become one — the union happens, which is the essence of yoga. In such a situation we become one, a happiness, a bliss, surrounds us. We feel fulfilled. There is no need to wait for these moments — these moments can become our natural life. Acting in unison, in full awareness, integration takes place, and we start living an integrated life.
The society is not in favour of an integrated man, so remember, society cannot help us. It will create all sorts of hindrances for our growth. Because only a disintegrated man can be manipulated, dominated.
Integrated, we are free; integrated, we become rebellious; integrated, we start doing our own thing; integrated, we listen to our own heart, wherever it leads. Such types of individuals can be dangerous for the dead so-called society. They can create trouble — they have always created trouble.
A Ashtavakra, a Mahavir, a Meera… they have always been troublesome because they are so integrated that they can be independent. And they are living so blissfully that they don’t bother about other nonsense.