Internalising Mantras
We have all heard different kind of mantras and always find them to be soothing and calming. I personally believe there is one mantra that is particularly suited to every individual. You need to find that mantra yourself. Listen to the sound of the various mantras which are easily available on the internet — from the most common ones to those that are not so common and slightly more complex to chant. Just remember the sound and rhythm of the mantras create a certain vibration within you if chanted correctly and with depth of emotion. Continuous chanting of such mantras leads you to a state of thoughtlessness and then into a deep meditative state.
But first you need to identify the mantra which is unique to you. Once you hear the mantra which is closest to your heart you will instinctively know that — this is mine! Once you identify your mantra you may start chanting it correctly — the chant needs to be slow and rhythmic and should be in tune with your breathing. Once you practice the chanting in tune with your breathing, you will start feeling the vibrations of the chant within your body. The chant starts resonating within you, cleansing your chakras and your meridians. After a period of time, you will notice that you are not chanting the mantra but you can hear it within you, not only within you — you will also start hearing it at random moments even though you are not chanting it. When this happens, you know that the mantra and you are now one — you have internalised the mantra!
When I was small my mother would tell me to chant ‘Om Namaha Shivaya’ and I would chant when afraid of sleeping after watching a particularly scary TV serial. I had noticed that I would fall asleep before I reached the count of ten! This mantra would soothe me and calm me into a sense of somnolence and quiet and soon I would be in la la land! Of late, after joining Samarpan, the Guru mantra has been internalised and I can hear it without actually saying it. The mantra resonates in each cell and atom of my being when it starts automatically — it is so soothing that the eyes start shutting in meditation as the vibrations generated by the mantra pull you within and into the vast quietude of the internal cosmos!
Chant the mantra with full awareness, listen and feel the sound as it reverberates within your being, become one with it and suddenly you will notice that the mantra is you and you are the mantra — there is unity, there is peace, there is the sound and the sound is you!