Is Financial Strength Needed for Inner Growth?
I have been told quite often that one need’s financial security to even think about treading the spiritual path. I have contemplated on this quite a bit — the question which kept cropping up in my mind was — were Swami Samarth, Shirdi Sai Baba, Gajanan Maharaj all from well to do and rich families? No! They were souls who came to earth to show the way to inner growth through devotion, faith and worship. Today, we all follow a path that takes us to financial independence — but one is never financially independent, isn’t it? Ask yourself — how much is enough? When do I stop? One never knows, till it is too late!
In the race for a better life, a better tomorrow we completely forget our today and end up in a race we can never win. With cheap credit availability and credit card companies wooing you with mouth-watering temptations it is easy to fall prey and end up in a debt trap which eventually ties you up financially! As Calvin Coolidge once said, “There is no dignity quite so impressive, and no independence quite so important, as living within your means.” It is very important to spend less than you earn, save a little, be frugal and wise and at the same time enjoy life to the fullest by living happily with what you can afford! Happiness being a function of the mind, unless your mind is happy you never will be as money cannot buy happiness — that is for sure!
Being spiritual while living in society is tough — you will find your friends moving away once you walk on this path, new friends will come into play, life changes as you realise that being spiritual means journeying inwards as you live your life in the material world. Both can happen simultaneously as regular meditation gives you an inner strength and fortitude to face life confidently without worrying about things which may or may not happen, things not in your control. You get the inner strength to face life full on even in adverse circumstances and overcome the tough times with a smile and move forward without ill-will towards anyone. As Benjamin Franklin said, “If you know how to spend less than you get, then you have the Philosopher’s Stone.” By doing this you earn lots of happiness, save for a rainy day, buy inner peace with the savings and what have you. Live within your means and you will always be at peace. The inner journey has got nothing to do with money — it is a calling which you get when your desire to meet “God” transcends all other desires!