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Is it Difficult to Change?

Girish Borkar


No, it is not difficult to change, but if our mind is fixated that it is, then it becomes difficult. This idea can create trouble — nothing else. We can drop the old as easily as we drop our old clothes; nothing much is involved in it.

Nobody is set. Our being always remains free — because freedom is our inner nature, nothing can imprison us. This very moment we are totally free, because we are the doer, and we are greater than our actions, bigger than our act. Whatever we have been doing we are free, already free!

If we have been angry, when the anger has gone, we are free. There is no need to bother that we have been angry, so how can we be free of it? We are already free; the anger has gone. It was a momentary thing that we have passed, we have overcome. If we want to repeat it, we can, but that will be a fresh decision to be angry. Don’t say that we are angry because we have been angry so many times before. We are not machines.

It is a fresh decision, a fresh commitment to be angry. We are always free to break with the past; nobody is holding us. Consciousness is absolute freedom. Once we understand this, we stop putting these wrong suggestions to ourselves.

Tomorrow morning when we get up, get up as good as new, and start behaving as though we are actually new. Make a new decision that we will cancel all the old ones, and we will start living afresh as if there is no barrier.

People are deceptive, and go on deceiving themselves saying, ‘How can I drop it now? I have had this habit for thirty years; it will take thirty more years to drop it!’ Then they will say, ‘Now it has been sixty years, so how can I drop it right now? — it will take sixty years to drop’. Then they say one hundred and twenty years…and so on.

They will never be able to drop it. Just think of the mathematics. Either we drop it right now, or we cannot drop it. It is our decision; nobody is forcing us. But remember, if we want to repeat a habit, then it is through our decision to, again and again.

Any moment that we want to break the contract with the habit, we are free to do so. The habit is a dead thing — we are alive! How can a dead thing hold our aliveness? No, nothing can hold it. Contemplate, meditate on it.



Girish Borkar
Girish Borkar

Written by Girish Borkar

Spirituality ... meditation ... insights ... inner peace ... the journey continues... love and gratitude

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