Keep Practicing
We are going through very difficult times — the corona pandemic has wreaked havoc globally. People have suffered tremendously — some have suffered financial losses, others have had mental and physical health issues, some have lost near and dear ones and so on. In India, the second wave has had extended lockdowns with the government desperately making efforts to fight an invisible enemy while facing negative vibes from the leftist-liberal and opposition parties. Instead of coming together to fight a common enemy people are playing politics. But never mind — that is not the purpose of this article.
I got a small video in Marathi on whatsapp which has given rise to this post. It narrated a story. Once Lord Indra got angry on farmers and said that for the next 12 years there will be no rain. He said it will rain only when Lord Shiva plays his damru (small musical instrument like a two-sided drum). All the farmers were desperate so they went to Lord Shiva and complained to him — but Lord Indra had already taken Lord Shiva into confidence and Lord Shiva said — no rain for 12 years! The farmers were very disappointed and they went back to their village. Now, there was nothing to do, they used to wake up and look to the skies to see if rain clouds were gathering and then in the evening they would go and sleep. But one farmer would take his bullock and hoe and keep hoeing the ground and planting seeds. The rest of the farmers would laugh and make fun of him, but he ignored them saying that at least by doing this I will not forget how to hoe the ground. I need to practice continuously. Goddess Parvati heard this conversation and liked it so much that she went and told Lord Shiva that if you don’t play the damru for twelve years then maybe you could forget how to play it. So, Lord Shiva saw the logic of that and played his little drum, and the moment he played it, rain started to fall and the farmer who had hoed his land got a very good crop.
The moral of the story is to practice whatever is your profession, do not sit idle, do things you like, do things you would otherwise never get time for. As far as those who are part of the Samarpan family is concerned or those who follow any Guru, they should continuously practice meditation because one never knows when their Guru will play His damru and you will cross your own internal spiritual barrier and transcend into nothingness. Patience and practice along with faith is paramount in overcoming any adverse situation.