Listening to the Silence
We live in cities which have noise pollutions at unhealthy levels so listening to the silence appears to be completely paradoxical. We live with sound as a part of our life — the sound of vehicles, people chattering, trains, aircraft and what have you. That is why it is peaceful at night — but in large cities that total silence still eludes, you can enjoy that silence in the villages. But even if you are living in a village and you can listen to the external silence — the chatter inside your mind is continuous and even though it appears that everything is quiet — the mind is on a roll and you cannot actually hear the silence!
Listening to the silence is something that one has to work towards. With the stress in day-to-day life, we crave for our holidays and run away to beach resorts, forest resorts, hill resorts or just go trekking in nature to get rid of the stress. We do feel good in these places with less human population as there is less noise and thought pollution. But if we are still preoccupied with our office or the other problems which we thought we ran away from — our mind keeps thinking about what we have to face after the holidays! So, all in all what we end up doing is trying to run away from stress but carry the same to the holiday destination in our mind. Invariably this ends up spoiling the holiday both for you and your family!
Wherever you are during your holiday — the best time to listen to the silence is in the night. Get out onto the beach, terrace or wherever you are and look at the night sky. The vastness and the beauty of the twinkling stars and constellations will automatically quieten your mind. As your attention focuses on the infinite your mind becomes quiet. The thoughts cease and peace enfolds you, a feeling of calm and quiet flows through your entire being. The moment you go back to your lodge this feeling is lost and the mind starts its devil’s role!
How then do we find a more or less permanent solution? I have found that regular meditation under the guidance of a realised Master turns your attention from the external illusive life to the more real inner world! As you meditate, over time the layers of muck which cover your soul are pealed off one by one, you move from body consciousness towards soul consciousness. This is when you really start listening to the silence — what is known as the golden silence. Your inner being becomes still and quiet and then all of a sudden you hear the hmmmmmm, the cosmic sound as it starts reverberating within you and its vibrations engulf your entire being, the primordial sound — the energy is so divine and the sound so overwhelming and calming at the same time. Your entire body has now become cold and is filled with divine vibrations as the sound of Om resonates deep within you. It is one of the most divine sounds you will ever hear! So, let us all meditate and reach that state where silence becomes our sound!