Living in the Infinite
Start living in the infinite, because that is our true reality. The idea that we are finite is just an idea, it does not correspond to reality; hence it creates a lot of misery. Once we start thinking of ourselves as finite we are constantly in struggle with the infinite.
By being finite we become many, by becoming infinite only one remains. Then there is no possibility of any conflict, and when all possibilities of conflict cease there is peace. Peace cannot be attained only by mental efforts; it needs a new spiritual vision.
We should not think of ourselves as the body — not that we are not the body: we are definitely the body plus — we are the infinite, the soul. We should go on thinking of ourselves in bigger and wider terms. We are the sun too because without the sun we would not be alive. We are the earth too; that’s what we go on eating every day. We are the air too; without it we are gone. We are this whole universe, this whole universe criss-crosses within us. We are just the crossroad of millions of things passing through us.
It is just as when we go on drawing lines through one point: the point will become thicker and thicker and thicker; more lines pass and the point becomes very thick — that is the ego. Start taking lines away and slowly, gradually the ego disappears. One day we come to know that the ego was only a construct of crossing lines. It was not a reality, just an illusion.
When we think of ourselves as finite, we become the ego; when we drop the finite the ego disappears, and the disappearance of the ego is the arrival of God, the arrival of divinity. Think of yourself as the universe. In the beginning it looks crazy but soon the heart starts flowing that way.
Because it corresponds with reality, it comes easily, spontaneously; one day we suddenly see that we are connected with everything that exists. We cannot exist without them; they cannot exist without us; it is a great interdependence. And the sheer complexity of it is a mystery.
The mystery gets solved when the consciousness gets awakened. The spiritual path does just that — eradicate the proxy self by shattering our tinted glasses to broaden our parameters that we may eventually mature from finite to infinite.
Swamiji is an example of the ultimate human being. He is beyond and above all limitations of time. Not bound by any mental or social blocks, He loves all of creation, judging no one, teaching others to be the same. Through meditation under His guidance, one eventually learns to let go and gradually align with the divine will.