Look at the Positive
It all depends on the mind — ultimately it is our attitude that matters. If we suffer, we suffer because of our wrong attitude, because of our wrong mind. Because we have created a mind which suffers, because we have cultivated a suffering mind, we suffer. If we create a bliss-filled mind, bliss follows.
Ultimately everything can be reduced to our attitude, to our approach. The same thing can be a source of suffering or of bliss: it depends on how we interpret it. So, remember not to go on interpreting negatively; start interpreting positively.
We can always go on searching for and finding a star even in the darkest night — it is always there. In fact, millions of stars are there, and the darker the night, the more they are there, the more brilliant they are visible. Look at the stars and not the darkness, and then we see the darkness is not against the stars — it gives a contrast; it is complementary. That’s why in the day we cannot see the stars: the day is against them. The night is not against them, the night is in total support. The darkness of death is in support of the light of life.
So never look for the wrong; because if we look for it, we will definitely find it. If we look too much in darkness and look for the darkness, the stars start disappearing, and then there is only darkness and gloom and suffering and hell — and we have created it, we are responsible for it!
If we look at the stars, slowly and surely, we realise that we are not only seeing the stars; we observe that the darkness is being transformed too. We start looking at darkness as something beautiful, something that allows the stars to be. Then the darkness becomes the very mother of the stars.
And that life that can see darkness as the very mother of light, that consciousness which can see nothingness as the source of all, which can see the thorns as protection for the rose, is religious. Then those thorns are just servants — serving the rose, helping the rose to be there; they are not against it, they are not enemies.
Once we start looking at the positive, all negativity disappears. The things are still the same but a new perception that the organised whole is more than the sum of its parts arises in the mind, a new pattern. That pattern is known as religion.