Love — Baffling and Fulfilling!!
When we talk about love, there are so many different kinds of love which one encounters in life that if one sits down to analyse it, one finds it baffling — it becomes very difficult to figure out this emotion! Love emanates from the heart of parents, children, relatives, friends, lovers, strangers even — there are so many different kinds of love with a range of emotions which sometimes ends up baffling the recipient. The love between parents and children is usually unconditional and arises from the special bond between them, other forms of love may come with attachments, here one needs to be careful as any heartbreak will cause untold stress! Love between friends is the purest because in most of the cases there are no expectations and being there for each other regardless of status, circumstances, etc is given — you know from within that if no one comes in tough times — the friends will not let you down!
One can love others provided that one can love one’s self — because if you love your self then you can love anyone! If you do not like who you are then it is very difficult to love others as you find yourself to be inadequate to fulfill this emotion! The day you learn to love yourself, you will learn to love others, once this happens you start getting a sense of fulfilment. The heart strings are very important to live a full life — it is said those with a golden heart radiate their love which is felt by those in close vicinity. Animals too sense this and don’t run away from you!
With love comes attachment — and with attachment comes ownership and this feeling ownership is dangerous. Each individual is born to live out his/her own destiny and the moment you form a love bondage then you begin to have expectations of each other — any lack of fulfilment of such expectations leads to stress and fights — these are the negative manifestations of the same energy.
To save yourself from the negative manifestation it is essential to meditate under the guidance of an enlightened Master who shows you the way. The more you meditate, the more you radiate love — but this love is selfless and is reflected in your aura. The deeper you go the more detached you become, the purer your heart becomes and as the love for yourself deepens, the love for those in your life — both sentient and non-sentient beings — increases. With the clearance of your heart chakra if you can develop a feeling of detached attachment, then you will save yourself from all the negative aspects of love. So — meditate, meditate, meditate!