No Loss in Giving
We are seekers after Truth and for that purpose we follow various religions since birth, which kind of become our schools of thought. Some of us may be atheists, nevertheless truth is not the exclusive right of any particular creed, or place, or age. It is a every man’s birth right. Just as every man has the right to breathe air, and bask in the rays of the sun, we are all privileged to draw divine energy from Universal Consciousness, as also, strength, and wisdom, which is within each of us. That infinite supply cannot be exhausted. Anyone belonging to any religion can delve it out from within with the help of somebody who is competent — call him by any name you like. Take all that you can. Not only will it suffice for you, but through it you will become instrumental in helping your fellows. Your smile will inspire another to smile. Your strength will impel another to be strong. A noble soul always draws forth the noble quality in others.
God is love, and our souls are also love and it is through love alone that we can know God. Love knows true renunciation, service, and sacrifice for the good of others without any consideration. A true man is one who is truthful, leads a life of continence, radiates love to all others for the sake of God residing in them, and knows ‘giving’, ‘giving’, and always ‘giving’. We never lose anything when we give. When you give love, do you find that you have less love in your heart? On the contrary, you are conscious of an ever-greater power of loving, but no one can be convinced of these things till he has applied them in a practical way. It is said that an ounce of practice is worth tons of theories.
It is a practical age — therefore, it is for us to make our idealism more practical. Believe in God, Who is Spirit; Love — the principle of all things; Who is in me and I am in Him; Who resides in every heart. We should therefore love all mankind and others. If one cannot love those whom he sees, how can he love God whom he does not see?
There is a Religion above all religions which teach rituals, dogmas, and doctrines. That is Truth. Religion truly means “re” — back, and “ligio” which comes from “ligore” — to bind; i.e., to bind our soul back to Truth — God. You have to be born into the Truth. All Masters who come from time to time speak of the same Truth. We are lovers of Truth. That is the True Religion, on the basis of which the whole world can sit together and the East and West could be united.
The purpose of all Masters who grace earth is to bring together all human beings of all religions to understand each other and find a way back to God, represented by Love. We are fortunate that we have the blessings and guidance of Swamiji to spread the message of love, become love personified, which is to attain a state of pure radiating love!