Obstacles are Necessary
All of us are searching for happiness and peace in our life. Sometimes, we go into nature and momentarily find that happiness and peace, but then we return to society and its daily problems. In daily life, for those who are not into spirituality, day-to-day problems are issues to be managed somehow or the other and once we overcome one problem, in time we find we are facing another one. This simply happens because our inner discontent manifests in the outer world.
To quieten our inner discontent, we need to find our spiritual Master, actually when the time comes, the spiritual Master finds us and we are magnetically drawn to him/her. Once we start our spiritual journey after being initiated by the Master, in the beginning we find the journey to be wonderful, we find peace and calm and then as we come out of the honeymoon like period and start living our life in society, we find that we are facing problems, obstacles.
At this stage, many people attribute the problems in their life to their spiritual practice — ‘everything was okay before I started meditation, now I am facing so many problems, I think this path is not for me’. That is the biggest mistake that one can do. Remember every human being born on earth has a spiritual guide/mentor as per his progress in the spiritual realm. The entire purpose of our birth is to attain liberation — this may take several births — but we all progress by enduring / enjoying our bad / meritorious karmas.
We have to face all our problems with equanimity and courage and overcome them without being affected in any way or by harbouring grudges or ill-will towards those who were a part of the problem. Without obstacles to overcome, life will be boring and a bed of roses, so whatever negativity we carry inside us needs to come out once and for all — this only happens after we start our spiritual practice under the guidance of a realised spiritual Master.
This peace and calm which one feels in the presence of a realised Master is because we are in his energy field which is filled with that energy. For us to become like that we have to meditate regularly, face all the obstacles which come our way without resisting them and by not running away. A seed also needs resistance, obstacles to push its way through the earth and see the sun light. It is the same with the seed of spirituality planted in us by the Master.
With every obstacle we overcome, we become stronger, both mentally and physically. Our chitta, our will power becomes strong, our good intentions begin to manifest and we start feeling that sense of joy, peace and calm which we had always been yearning for. People who come in our energy field begin to feel that same sense of joy, peace and calm and say so too!