Peek into your Subconscious Mind
Most of us know only about our mind and have no clue about the hidden subconscious mind. We are aware about our subconscious — it is sometimes called the sixth sense, instinct etc. — but the subconscious mind is far more powerful than this. As we are not aware of this we keep thinking and looking outside to find a solution to our life’s problems — we never ever look within!
Just try to take a peek within, try to get a glimpse of your subconscious mind. Just imagine that you have to cross a river and you are swimming vigourously to reach the opposite shore. You have jumped into the water because you are fed-up of what you have received on this shore! While swimming, will you look behind, no because if you do so, the waves may take you elsewhere so you have complete focus on reaching the other shore. Just imagine that your Guru or Master is on the other shore waiting for you — with that prize in mind — dive within your own being, you need single minded focus to reach your subconscious. There will be a lot of distractions on the way, but if you get distracted while swimming to the other shore you could lose your way or drown, both the results are unwanted ones! While swimming across if you think someone is going to come and help you to reach the other shore — forget it! You, yourself have to have that single-minded focus to reach the other shore.
Why did you jump into the river? You jumped because you were fed up of the problems you were facing on this bank and you thought it is better to swim across the river surmounting all problems while swimming to reach the safe shore where the Master is waiting. All the problems which you feel were on the outside are actually within you, not outside — so even if you have jumped into the water to swim across to the other side, you are carrying the problems inside you. Now, don’t look back at the past, leave it all behind, forget the past because the golden future beckons.
As you introspect while going across with single minded focus your attention turns inwards, and as it turn inwards you get a glimpse of the hidden subconscious mind — that single glimpse clarifies a whole lot of issues providing the reasons why you left the other shore. You get your answers. With continuous focus after reaching the shore you start meditating, and with meditation you start going deeper and deeper within and the glimpse of the subconscious mind turns into awareness of the subconscious mind. This awareness about yourself makes you lighter, more joyous, more accepting, more loving, more caring and a person who lives in the moment.