People are Verbs not Nouns
Osho had said, “Life is a verb, life is not a noun; it is really ‘living’ not ‘life’. It is not ‘relationship’, it is relating’. It is not a ‘song’, it is ‘singing’. It is not a ‘dance’, it is ‘dancing’. See the difference, savour the difference.” If you really decide to think about what Osho said, you could find yourself going deep within yourself trying to find out exactly who you are! In our spiritual quest can we just be what we want to be or instead of restricting ourself can we be anything that life offers?
This is a fundamental question. If our parents say we should be doctors, engineers, accountants, lawyers, etc. — this is like a thought is put in our mind and we are working towards that whether we like it or not. Knowingly or unknowingly we now have blinkered vision. We are on the way to ‘becoming’ someone as defined by someone else. We generally should keep our options open and become what we want to become, or what life wants us to become. Universal consciousness has the road mapped out for you if you just learn to go with the flow.
When we embark on our spiritual journey — at any point in our life — we learn to go with the flow, because once you learn to go with the flow life’s orchestra becomes visible, the music that God is playing becomes the rhythm of our life. We play and perform to His tune and when that happens life becomes joy, bliss and peace. Things that we start out to do start happening with such ease that it appears that we are being carried by some unknown power — whatever we do is selfless — there is no personal motive, it is all surrendered to a higher power. Doing things for others without the feeling of being a ‘doer’ gives your act the power and energy of the divine. Selfless acts of love and compassion become your way of life and you don’t even realise it — that is the beauty — you think that what you are doing is normal!
This happens because we give ourselves the permission to ‘do’ what brings us the greatest joy and by doing this we find the satisfaction we are looking for. When was the last time that you made a sincere and honest effort which went unacknowledged by others? Were you frustrated? Most definitely — because we depend on others’ approval of our efforts. Indifference puts us off — but like a ‘flower’ keeps ‘flowering’, a ‘river’ keeps ‘flowing’ our lives are a continuum. We need to flow and flower and not stagnate and wither.
We can never come to a full stop — we have to keep flowing and going deeper and deeper — the journey is never ending because the act of meditation and diving deep within one’s own consciousness will ultimately help us become one with universal consciousness — the merger extinguishes our identity and as Nisargdatta Maharaj said — “I am that”, becomes our reality!