Purpose of Life
We have heard several discourses from various realised Masters, that the purpose of life is self-realisation and liberation or moksha. This as we know now, is the fundamental purpose of our life.
To fulfill the purpose of taking birth we have to first completely settle our give-and-take account — basically we have to endure and enjoy our karma; apart from this we have to ensure that we do not add to our karmic account.
There is a purpose to our human lives. We are here to know ourselves, to know God, to love God, and to have love for all. We were sent here to realise our true nature as a soul and to find our way back to God, the Source from whence we emanated. Living at the level of our physical senses, we consider ourselves to be the physical body and mind. When we see ourselves in this manner, we say that we are a mind and body that ‘have a soul’.
Going towards the ultimate in Spirituality gives us the gift of experiencing Bliss, a superlative form of happiness that is not dependent on anything. In this state, one is Blissful irrespective of one’s situation. The influence of people at advanced spiritual levels is such that it extends to positively influencing everything around them. Those of us who have been meditating for an extended period of time have actually observed this. For instance, we get into a shop which is devoid of customers and we are welcomed by the shopkeeper with open arms as we are the first to enter their shop on that day. Casual conversation indicates that business is not so good. While going through our shopping exercise we note that other customers have started entering the shop, and by the time we leave business is booming. That is the effect of a positive aura — and this has happened umpteen times and cannot be considered to be mere coincidences!
According to the UN the average life expectancy is 73 years. This gives us a little over 50 adult years to achieve our purpose in life. Hence, we can understand why Swamiji keeps telling the youth that you have got the bank of time with you, invest that fruitfully through meditation. Depending on how old you are while reading this article, as a seeker, you will realise that there is now a finite amount of time left to reach this spiritual goal.
Now, if there is one thing that we can never get back — it is time, and if there is one thing that can go by in a flash — it is time. One day, we wake up and we realise that we are in the winter of our lives, and we wonder where the time went. So, for a seeker who wants to grow spiritually, he needs to make every day count, because to grow spiritually to higher spiritual levels can take a lifetime. Our prayer is that seekers make use of this knowledge and embrace the living Guru’s guidance and with his grace reap the benefits of faster spiritual progress.