Real Love
Love is intrinsic to humanity — it is actually human nature! We live in society and the concept of love in society is a bit different — it is defined by relationships — mother/father-children, husband-wife, brother-sister, teacher-student and so on. This love is based on emotion and attachment to the other person. And if you truly introspect, you will find that this attachment itself becomes the noose around your neck.
The attachment leads to extreme emotions — jealousy, anger, hatred, and so on — all this from tainted love. Fear dominates attachment giving rise to ‘what if?’ questions! The mind is so powerful and imagination such a movie maker that it never lets you rest in peace.
One needs to get beyond love which is in a binary relationship with attachment. Love within has to become universal without any attachment. Once love starts flowing through your very being it truly implies that you have learnt to love your ‘self’ — this comes from meditation and practicing mindfulness. When one connects deep within one’s self, one finds the silence and peace which gives rise to the feeling of universal love. This sense is something which cannot be defined.
I experienced this strong love vibration when I was sitting with Swamiji at Marine Drive and he went into meditation for a few minutes. I got enveloped in his aura and the sense of unconditional love which enveloped me is beyond words. I just cannot describe it!
Love should be like breathing. It should be just a quality in you — wherever you are, with whomsoever you are, or even if you are alone, love goes on overflowing from you. It is not a question of being in love with someone — it is a question of being love.
With regular meditation, cleansing of one’s chakras and particularly the heart chakra this sense of universal love starts flowing from within you. Extreme emotions dissipate and people who meet you experience the serenity and love which is subtly emanating from your being.
Love is not dependent on the object, but is a radiation of your subjectivity — a radiation of your soul. And the vaster the radiation, the greater is your soul. The wider spread are the wings of your love, the bigger is the sky of your being.
Your union with the divine deep within you gives rise to real love. This love is not physical in nature, nor is it emotional — it is unconditional and it affects all those around you — whether human or otherwise.