Remaining Balanced in an Imbalanced World
These days the world is seeing a lot of upheaval — with the corona virus spreading all over the world and mutating and changing form — giving rise to questions on the efficacy of the available vaccines. Then we have cyclones causing their devastation, human beings adding their bit by going to war causing massive destruction. So, is this nature’s way of getting back at us? Or is the churn really on now (I had mentioned that the churn has begun in a March 2020 post) — because globally the intensity has gone up manifold. The poison in the system is slowly coming out — and as per tradition the poison has to completely come out before the nectar can be experienced.
We are living in times of total stress, people very close to us are being affected, people are dying and there is a feeling of helplessness which is pervading in society, there is anger at the system failing its citizens. But if you sit back and witness whatever is happening you will realise that nature is trying achieve a balance and balance can only be achieved when there is large scale devastation — that is nature’s law — creation always takes place after destruction. It appears that we are in such a phase now. The question is how to remain balanced in this imbalanced world?
I can only tell you what has worked for me, it is not necessary that it will work for you. But you can definitely try out variations on similar lines. I have stopped watching the news on TV for the last ten years now — because the news is always negative, because negativity sells in this morbid world — that is what gets you the ad revenue! I read the newspaper headlines and hold far more interest in solving sudoku, hitori, 7 little word puzzles as it keeps the brain cells active.
Meditation has helped me live in the present moment, helped me in trying to be a witness — I am getting there, the past has become history, the future is a mystery — so living in the present I found is very comforting, joyous and the only reality. Writing positive notes has kept me preoccupied, office work gets done in the ‘now’ — leaving nothing for tomorrow. The days just go by in harmony, filled with positive energy and love. I find that this stay at home has become more of a stress reliever and helped me finding out more dimensions about myself. I am sure you guys too can try this or find something similar that works for you. Live in the moment and you will be fine!