Photo Credit: Transcendental Meditation

State of the World

Girish Borkar


We see the world in turmoil with the happenings in Europe with big powers trying to manipulate small countries by promising them the sun and then leaving them high and dry. National interest is always cited to interfere in other countries, and this national interest invariably means government under political pressure from the oil, arms, pharma lobbies! Ultimately, it is all about money, honey!

We have now entered a phase where the astrological alignments are pointing to heavy turmoil. This could be expansion of the theatre of war in Europe, natural calamities, man-made calamities and so on.

A thumb rule is not to trust politicians, as their personal interest is always hidden under the garb of national interest, the common man can go suck eggs! What is the reason for all this conflict and war and violence? The mind! The world will know peace only when we have learnt how to go beyond the mind. Then you are not a Christian and you are not an Indian, you are not a Chinese and you are not a communist. Then you are simply a human being. In that utter purity of humanness, the world will come to know exactly what peace is and what a celebration it brings with itself. Mind as such is nothing but misunderstanding. If you really want to understand, get rid of the mind.

Your mind is created by the society you are born in, and of course, they manipulate your mind for their own purposes. It is not for you but for the society, for the state, for the church. Your mind is a slave. Whoever has created it has created it for its own purposes — to exploit you.

Every nation fills your mind with nationality. Every religion fills your mind with the idea that even to die for your religion is the greatest virtue or to kill for your religion is not a sin. All these religions, all these nations, these political, social, religious ideologies, go on conflicting, fighting. Man has not done anything much on the earth except fighting or preparing for fighting…. Man has never known peace.

You fight with others because you go on accumulating rubbish inside yourself and you have to throw it out. A person who has conquered himself has become a self-conqueror, has no inner conflict. The war has ceased. He is one inside — there are not two. Such a man will never project, such a man will not fight with anybody else.

Learn to be silent, peaceful, still in a state of no-mind. That has to be the beginning for all seekers. Nothing can be done before that and everything becomes easier after that. When you find yourself utterly happy and blissful, then even if the third world war happens and the whole world disappears leaving you alone, it won’t affect you.



Girish Borkar
Girish Borkar

Written by Girish Borkar

Spirituality ... meditation ... insights ... inner peace ... the journey continues... love and gratitude

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