Stoke the Fire Within
In the centre of our chest is the little flame, akin to a candle light, this is nothing but our soul which guides us subconsciously 24 x 7. Most of us have lost touch with the soul because we are consumed by desires which are available in the modern world. But desires have been present throughout the ages only their form has changed — for example, 200 years ago you may have desire a horse and carriage, today you desire to have a car. Rarely has man crossed the threshold of desire and reached the stage where the little flame within has been stoked into a fire so huge that burnt everything within its all-consuming flame to light up the crown with the blinding light of Paramatma — this all-pervading light, very few on earth have crossed over so to speak from darkness into light, where nothing but joy, bliss and universal wisdom exists.
The desires in the four primitive fountains which need to be burnt — food, sleep, sex and self-preservation — the ONE desire which remains after all these are burnt is the desire related to finding your way back home.
These four primitive fountains contain desires related to the individual playing in the manifested world. They all, one by one, are directed to the manifested world and thus move the seeker away from the Center of Consciousness, where Pure Consciousness resides. This ONE desire is unique because it is not related to the manifested world but is directed to go beyond it, to leave the manifested world behind. Thus, this desire is first, prior to all the other desires. It is buried underneath all other desires.
Swamiji directs us to meditate and let the cleansing of the chakras and meridians do their job of helping you get rid of your desires, this happens automatically, if you force it to happen, then you are using your intellect and the desire just gets buried and when you least expect, it comes back into the open with a vengeance. With regular meditation you develop the sakshi bhaav — you become a witness and one this happens you just see life happening without becoming a part of life — then there is no good, no bad, whatever happens is happening as per divine will.
The churn which happens within you as the chakras are cleansed is like a fire burning up all the negativities within and I am sure you are aware that the phoenix rises from the ashes — similarly your pure SELF rises from the ashes of desire and negativity within you. The space created within gets filled with the light of eternal love for all beings, your approach to life gets transformed as your soul consciousness becomes one with universal consciousness. From darkness into eternal light is the journey of the sadhak — the Master leads and the true disciple follows by questioning and testing everything the Master says, till he KNOWS for HIMSELF the ULTIMATE TRUTH!