Strength and Weakness
Swami Vivekananda had said, “Strength is life, weakness is death.” Swami Vivekananda hated weakness. Today, too many people are weak minded; this is because right from our childhood our parents, teachers, friends have told us, “See if you don’t do this or if you do this, this and that will happen….”. This kind of upbringing has made us weak. Many times, we believe others when they tell us that we are weak, even without actually knowing whether that is true or not. Thus, it is important that from childhood positive and strong thoughts should enter our brains. Our parents and teachers should imbibe us with positive and strong thoughts as we grow up, and never allow weakness to overcome our mind.
As we grow up through school and college and then at our work place, we should always strive to face our problems head-on and overcome them. Take the challenges as if God is testing you, know within that he wants you to pass, and you will always find the strength to overcome every challenge you face. Do not let weakness into your psyche, because if you do it will fill you with self-doubt and defeat any progress that you have made to date. There is no room for weakness, as weakness is the cause of all misery. We commit many crimes because we are weak. The motivating power in all evils is weakness. The remedy for destroying all weaknesses is thinking of strength.
A positive attitude to life can make us strong. The Atman (self) cannot be won aby anyone who is without strength, nor with error in the seeking, nor by self-discipline without the true mark; but when a man of knowledge strives by these means, his self enters into Brahman, his abiding place. (Mandook Upanishad, verse 4).
Meditation and turning introversive helps give us inner strength, this inner strength gives us the constancy of character and similar excellences which are all born of strength. Right conduct originates from strength. Straight forwardness comes from it. Enjoyment follows. Yoga can be practiced. Attainment of MOKSHA is also enabled by this. Reaching Godhood is impossible without it. All divine traits originate from it.
Right conduct, straightforwardness, enjoyment, etc., come from strength. The practice of Yoga is possible because of it. All divine traits have their source in it. Exalted life begins with the knowledge of self, which expresses itself as strength. Be healthy, be fit, meditate, be happy, be positive, explore talents, connect with people, help others, expand your social circle, recover fast from setbacks, work — that’s life.