The Darkness will Disappear
Darkness is nothing but the absence of light, so the easiest thing is to bring light into the darkness and the darkness disappears. This is true of the real world, but what happens to the inner world — how will your inner darkness disappear? Our inner darkness is filled with desires, fear, anger, hate, jealousy, greed and so on.
When you live in inner darkness, illusions keep forming which create your perception of life. Suppose you see a ghost standing in the dark, you are afraid and light a candle or switch on the light, and you see that there is nobody. Just the shadow of a tree that gave you the impression that someone was standing there. The ghost has disappeared because in the first place it was never there.
Awareness helps, brings transformation, because the illusions that you are suffering from are not realities, they exist in your mind. If you become aware of a rock, the rock will not disappear but if you become aware of the ego, the ego will disappear sooner or later, because the ego is not a reality. It is one’s perception, it exists in the mind. The moment you become aware fear is going to disappear because fear is not a reality. If you become aware death is going to disappear, because death is a lie, it is not a reality. You may find this strange — but the Sanatan dharma believes in the soul, and the soul is eternal, therefore one never takes birth and one never dies — one just changes bodies till one reaches the state of liberation.
Awareness functions in two ways. One: if something is real and you become aware of it, it suddenly appears to be very beautiful, colourful. If it is unreal, it disappears. Awareness is a light. If you bring light into a dark room, the darkness disappears and the paintings on the wall appear. In the dark, the paintings were not there as you could not see them, but the darkness was there. When you bring the light in, darkness is no longer there and the paintings have appeared.
Something disappears when you become aware, and something appears. Death disappears and deathlessness appears, liberation, moksha appears. Ego disappears and egolessness appears. You disappear as a separate entity and God appears. God meaning — I am no longer separate. I am now one with universal consciousness. Darkness has gone forever!