True Conversion
In India we read a lot about conversions taking place in Adivasi (tribal) areas where Christian missionaries are offering money and goodies to convert to Christianity. All the Abrahamic faiths believe in conversion — this is not real conversion, this is political, this is to grab land and power, change demography and gain control of an area of land or country if possible. This has happened throughout history. India is the only ancient civilisation which survives, simply because it has a strong cultural, religious and spiritual backbone. Hinduism is actually not a religion — it is a way of life based on humanity and human values.
So, when we are discussing conversion, we are not talking about changing religions — just before birth we are nothing but pure consciousness — only after birth we adopt the religion, country, language, culture of our parents. These are not things we are born with — these are things which are thrust upon us. Then we get ‘educated’ — wherein our minds are fed all kinds of stuff to ensure we become ‘successful’ and ‘live happily’.
What is this ‘success’ and ‘happiness’? Is it the amount of money we make and wealth we create that makes us successful and happy? What happens when we fall sick and no amount of money and wealth can cure us — then how useful is our ‘success’ and where does the ‘happiness’ go?
First, we need to become contented, only then will our life become a source of joy for others. That’s the only true service and not the conversions which the Abrahamic religions indulge in, in the name of service. That is nothing but mischief and exploiting the poor in the name of service. And those who are converting them are themselves not converted!
Conversion does not mean a change of religion; it means a change of consciousness. That’s exactly the meaning of conversion: when one is no more asleep but awake, when we are no longer full of the rubbish of thoughts and memories and desires, when we are utterly silent — that is conversion. When the head has disappeared — we are no more a head person — when the heart has taken its place then we are headless and just a pure heart — that is conversion. It is not a Hindu becoming a Christian or a Christian becoming a Hindu — that is sheer stupidity; just changing prisons from one prison to another prison, that is not conversion.
Conversion is something inner. The only conversion I know of is from mind to meditation, because it changes our whole being; from discontent it brings tremendous contentment. The lifestyle of a spiritual person has to be that of contentment — who lives in the now and lives a fulfilled life. If such a person dies the next moment, he happily dies — because there is nothing more! All is already complete!