Trust is something that happens — it is not a decision on one’s part. Trust comes into play when we finish doubting; when we come to see doubt through and through and we are completely convinced about the futility of doubt. Trust is not contrary to doubt, trust is just the absence of doubt.
Trust is not the opposite of doubt, just as darkness is not opposite to light. It appears opposite, but it is not — because light cannot be destroyed by bringing darkness in. There is no way to destroy light by throwing darkness on it. Darkness has
never been able to destroy the small flame of a very small candle. The whole darkness of existence is impotent before a small candle.
When light is, darkness is not. When we put a light on in our room, have we watched what happens? Darkness does not go out of the room; it is not that darkness escapes out of the room. It is found simply not to be there. It never was — it is pure negativity.
Don’t repress doubt. Rather, just on the contrary, watch, look deeply into it, analyse it. Don’t leave any part of it unanalysed, unknown. Become acquainted with all the layers of the doubting mind. That very acquaintance, the penetration into doubt, will dissolve doubt. One day suddenly we will awake one morning full of trust — not as our decision. It cannot be a decision because trust is something we are born with; doubt is a learned thing. Trust is tacit, inborn.
Every child trusts. As it grows, doubt arises. Doubt is learned. So, trust is there always as an undercurrent in our being. We just need to drop doubt, trust will arise. And then trust has a tremendous beauty because it is pure. It is not against doubt, it is simply the absence of doubt. The rock has been removed and the stream has come bubbling up, flowing.
So many people believe in God, and deep down is doubt — throbbing, alive, waiting for its opportunity to destroy the trust. And the trust is bogus because the trust is on the periphery, and the doubt has reached almost to the very core of our being. Never decide about love, about trust, about God. These things are not our decisions.
When doubt is no more there, trust happens. It flows. It arises out of our innermost core, from the innermost shrine. We start listening to a new music of being, a new style of being, a new way of being. It is not of the mind; it is of the being.