Trusting Life
One can live life in two ways — like a soldier or like a sanyasi, where one fights with life or relaxes with life. Whether we can try and conquer life, or we can live by learning to let go. The soldier’s path is wrong, because it is impossible to conquer life — obviously, the part can never conquer the whole. The soldier tries to conquer life, and in the end finds he has been crushed by life, defeated by life, destroyed by life.
Life destroys nobody, but when we fight, resist it, we are destroyed by our own violence. Life is not against us — each one of us is born for a specific purpose, where life is our mother helping us to fulfil our destiny. Life has brought us here; we are born out of it. We are a ray of its light, a wave of its ocean. We are an intrinsic part of it, we are not separate. But if we start fighting our own source of energy, we will be destroyed. Our very concept of fight will poison us. And of course, the more we feel that we are losing the battle, the harder we will fight. The harder we fight, the more frustrated we become.
The soldier follows the ordinary way, around 99.9% of the people are like this — hence so much misery, so much frustration is there. We create it by our wrong approach to life. Once we understand it, we start getting in tune with the whole, we start getting into a dance with the whole. We stop fighting, we start cooperating.
The moment we decide to cooperate, we have become a sannyasi. The religious person is one who has no idea of separation from the whole… who never thinks, never dreams that he is separate… who has no private goal of his own… who simply moves with life in total trust. If we cannot trust life, who are we going to trust? If we cannot allow life to flow through us, we will be missing this tremendous opportunity to be alive. Then we will get worried, then we will be caught in our own mind. And then misery is the natural outcome.
To understand that conflict is not the way to be happy, is the greatest understanding. To understand that cooperation is the way to be blissful… and our dark night of the soul is over, and the morning has come, and the Sun is rising on the horizon.
We will be transformed. This very understanding is a transforming force — that cooperation is the key, not conflict. Trust is the key, not doubt. Violence is not the way… love is.