Ultimate Victory
We are all aware that human nature itself is man’s ultimate enemy. It is man himself who is waging a war against his success and progress in life. It is basically our desires and ego which turn out to be our biggest enemies. In the modern world, with so many temptations being sold via various media — print and audio-visual — we end up desiring and cherishing things which we absolutely don’t need. But because the product or dream has been packaged in a way to make one fall into the trap, one generally falls for the advertisement unless one lives in awareness — but very few people live in awareness.
The scriptures tell us to live a life of renunciation and denial, but in the modern age this is not possible as the means of communication available today makes it almost impossible to become a renunciate. In the olden days it was possible to go into the forests are mountains and renounce life — but today, the world has shrunk and getting away physically has become very difficult.
The only way to get away is if one can make one’s mind quiet and make the mind a renunciate. If the mind becomes quiet and our attention, our chitta turns inwards then it is possible to avoid the external chatter and the temptations being thrown at us from all sides.
When we learn to meditate under the guidance of a realised Master, we progress on the path of self-realisation and transcendence — union with Paramatma. We learn to face life’s challenges without being affected by the situation or the people in the given situation. We learn to smile and joke about the twists and turns that life throws at us. We begin to live in the moment without being bothered about the past or worry about the future.
One should not just be unafraid of being challenged or beaten. We should transcend the situation — to keep our wits about us in the present moment so that we can even joke about it. We need to find humour even in the darkest and worst of situations. If humour does not help, then we can with complete faith and defiance face the situation calmly.
Destiny and the divine smile at those who face their situations calmly, without being upset or disturbed. Angst and stress is never the solution — a calm demeanour and acceptability become our second nature when we meditate and turn inwards. The ultimate victory comes when we lose our sense of Self and merge with the Divine.